Sanilac County real estate auctioneerWhen looking to sell a piece of real estate or a full estate, there are many different options to choose from. Many people choose to go with a traditional real estate broker, while people looking to be more involved in the process may choose to go the “for sale by owner” route. While both can be very beneficial for the seller in different ways, many sellers overlook the option of a real estate auction. Sanilac County real estate auctioneer offers that real estate auction can be a very cost and time effective way to sell a piece of real estate, whether it is residential, commercial, industrial, or an entire estate.

Real Estate Auctions Save Sellers Time

When someone decides to sell a property with a traditional broker, it may take weeks, months, or even years to completely close the sale. All the time it takes to prepare the property, market the property, show the property, and finalize the paperwork can be emotionally and financially exhausting to sellers. With a real estate auction, sellers are able to expedite the process by cutting out the middleman. As a real estate auction typically takes place on a certain day, sellers are able to get real offers on the table and close them with very little time in between.

Real Estate Auctions Save Sellers Money

There are quite a few costs associated with traditional real estate sales. Most significant of these costs is typically the broker’s commission. While it still may cost some money to have a property listed for sale in a real estate auction, these costs do not compare to what a seller would pay a traditional real estate broker. Since auctions tend to sell properties very quickly compared to more traditional sales methods, sellers do not incur the cost of carrying a vacant property for nearly as long. Expenses as simple as keeping the heat on and making sure the grass is cut can add up very quickly if a property is having a hard time being sold.

Real Estate Auctions Sell Properties for What They Are Worth

Pricing a property is often a difficult part of the real estate sales process. There are several schools of thought when it comes to valuing a piece of real estate; however, the most reliable way to gauge the value of a property is to see what people are willing to pay for it. At a real estate auction there are buyers offering real money in real time. This results in sellers knowing they are selling their piece of real estate for true market value.

Real estate auctions have been used by people looking to sell real estate or full estates for decades. As there are many benefits provided to these sellers, it is not a mystery why.

Sanilac County Real Estate Auctioneer: How Sellers Can Benefit from an Auction

If you are thinking of selling a piece of real estate or a full estate in the Southeastern Michigan area, look no further than Sanilac County real estate auctioneer. Gary Berry, Michigan Real Estate Auctioneers, has years of experience in the real estate auctioning business, he knows what it takes to make your sales process a seamless one.

With Michigan Real Estate Auctioneer there is no charge to meet with you. No charge to assess your needs. No charge for a written proposal.

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